Manufacturer/Marketer by MINERVE REMEDIES PVT LTD

TOFAMET Tablet 10's

Composition- TOFACITINIB-5MG
Consume Type- ORAL


About TOFAMET Tablet 10's
TOFAMET Tablet 10's belongs to a group of medicines called Janus kinase inhibitors used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease (the body's immune system attacks its tissue) which leads to joint pain and damage. Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints, often associated with psoriasis. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine.
TOFAMET Tablet 10's contains 'Tofacitinib' which works by blocking the Janus kinase enzyme, thereby lowering inflammation and symptoms associated with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.
In some cases, you may experience common side-effects such as diarrhoea, headache, upper respiratory tract infection, cold, nausea, and vomiting. Most of these side effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if you experience these side effects persistently.
Inform your doctor if you have an active infection, if you have a condition that increases the chance of having infections, if you are taking immunosuppressants, medicines that affect the immune system or corticosteroids. Avoid taking TOFAMET Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. TOFAMET Tablet 10's is not recommended for children below 18 years as safety and effectiveness have not been established. Keep your doctor informed about your health condition and medicines to rule out any side effects.
In-Depth Precautions and Warning
Drug Warnings: Do not take TOFAMET Tablet 10's if you are allergic to any of its components; if you have a severe infection, bloodstream infection, active tuberculosis, or if you have severe liver problems such as cirrhosis. Avoid taking TOFAMET Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Inform your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms of infection, a condition that increases chances of infection, are taking any medicines that affect the immune system; have or had a history of tuberculosis, or were in close contact with someone who has/had tuberculosis; chronic lung disease, liver problems, hepatitis B/C, cancer, are at a high risk of developing skin cancer, inflammation/ulcers of the large intestine, kidney problems, planning to get vaccinated, heart problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, or blood clotting problems. If your white blood cell count or red blood cell count is low, avoid taking TOFAMET Tablet 10's.TOFAMET Tablet 10's is not recommended for children below 18 years as safety and effectiveness have not been established. Keep your doctor informed about your health condition and medicines to rule out any side effects.

Drug Interactions:
Drug-drug interactions - TOFAMET Tablet 10's may interact with antibiotic (rifampicin), anti-fungal (fluconazole, ketoconazole), immunosuppressant (azathioprine, mercaptopurine, cyclosporine, tacrolimus), corticosteroids (prednisone).
Drug-food interactions -No interactions found/established.
Drug-disease interactions - Inform your doctor if you have infections, bloodstream infection, severe liver problems, tuberculosis, blood clot problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, intestinal perforation, or gastrointestinal obstruction.
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