Manufacturer/Marketer by MINERVE REMEDIES PVT LTD

RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's

Composition- RIFAXIMIN-400MG
Consume Type- ORAL


About RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's
RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's belongs to the group of medicines called 'antibiotics' or 'antibacterials' used to treat infectious traveller's diarrhoea (in adults and children above 12 years of age) caused by E.coli bacteria, hepatic encephalopathy (decreased brain function due to liver disease) and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D). Traveller’s diarrhoea is an infection in which there is a passage of unformed stools. Hepatic encephalopathy causes loss of brain function when a damaged liver is unable to remove toxins from the blood. Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition which affects the large intestine.
RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's contains ‘Rifaximin’ that works by working on the bowel and preventing the spread of infections caused due to the loss of the beneficial gut bacteria. Thus,RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's helps in relieving abdominal pain and diarrhoea. RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's should not be used in the patients with diarrhoea complicated by fever or blood in the stool and diarrhoea due to pathogens other than Escherichia coli (E.coli).
Take RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's with or without food. In some cases, you may experience certain common side-effects such as headache, peripheral oedema (leg swelling), nausea, dizziness, fatigue, ascites (excess fluid build-up in the abdomen), increased liver enzymes (ALT), and nausea. Most of these side-effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if you experience these side-effects persistently.
Before starting RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's, please inform your doctor if you have any allergy (against any antibiotic), kidney or liver problems. Do not take RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's for more than 3 days unless prescribed; if there is no symptomatic improvement, consult your doctor. Avoid taking RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or breastfeeding; talk to your doctor, he/she may prescribe you alternate medicine. RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's is not recommended for children as efficacy and safety have not been established. Inform your doctor about all the medicines you are taking and about your health condition to rule out any unpleasant side-effects.
In-Depth Precautions and Warning
Drug Warnings: Do not take RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's if you are allergic to any of its contents, if you have a fever, blood in stools, passed 8 or more unformed stools in last 24 hours, constipation, vomiting, and abdominal pain caused by blockage of the bowel. Talk to your doctor if your condition does not improve, symptoms continue or re-appear even after taking RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's for 3 days. Do not take RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's for more than 3 days unless prescribed; if there is no symptomatic improvement, consult your doctor. Avoid taking RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or breastfeeding; talk to your doctor, he/she may prescribe you with alternate medicine. RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's is not recommended for children below 12 years of age as the efficacy and safety have not been established. Inform your doctor about all the medicines you are taking and about your health condition to rule out any unpleasant side-effects. Patients with liver complications should avoid taking RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's or consult a doctor before using RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's.

Drug Interactions:
Drug-drug interactions - RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's may interact with the immune system affecting drugs (cyclosporine) and blood thinners (warfarin).
Drug-food interactions -No interactions found/established.
Drug-disease interactions - RIFAGRESS-400 Tablet 10's should not be taken by the people with colitis (inflammation in the lining of the colon), liver disease and diahhorea caused by other than E coli bacteria.
Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:
Habit Forming

Batch/Quality Control