
Manufacturer/Marketer by MINERVE REMEDIES PVT LTD

Mebimin C

Consume Type- ORAL


About Mebimin C Tablet 10's
Mebimin C Tablet 10's belongs to a class of drugs called 'antispasmodics' primarily used to treat painful stomach cramps in the condition of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disease that affects the large intestine. IBS is also known as spastic colon, irritable colon, spastic colitis, and mucous colitis. An irritable bowel syndrome is a group of intestinal symptoms that occur together.
Mebimin C Tablet 10's is a combination of two drugs: Mebeverine (antispasmodic) and Chlordiazepoxide (benzodiazepine). Mebeverine works by relaxing the intestinal muscle wall, thereby providing relief from painful muscle spasms. On the other hand, Chlordiazepoxide works by increasing a chemical messenger known as GABA (nerve-calming agent) activity in the brain, thereby decreasing nerve cells' abnormal activity. Thus, together it relaxes intestinal muscles, reduces stomach pain caused by spasms, cramps, gas formation, and bloating, and minimizes anxiety levels caused due to stomach discomfort.
Take Mebimin C Tablet 10's as prescribed. Your doctor will advise you on how often you take your tablets based on your medical condition. In some cases, you may experience drowsiness, dizziness, light-headedness, slurred speech, tiredness, lack of coordination, or difficulty in controlling movements. Most of these side effects of Mebimin C Tablet 10's do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects persist or worsen, please consult your doctor.
If you are allergic to Mebimin C Tablet 10's or any other medicines, please tell your doctor. Mebimin C Tablet 10's is not recommended for children below 18 years of age, as the safety and effectiveness were not established. You are advised not to take Mebimin C Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or planning for pregnancy as it may cause congenital disabilities (congenital disabilities). Mebimin C Tablet 10's may be excreted in breast milk. Therefore, avoid taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's if you are breastfeeding. Mebimin C Tablet 10's should be used with caution in the elderly as it may confuse them. Do not take Mebimin C Tablet 10's for longer than the prescribed period as it may cause dependence. Please do not stop taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's on your own as it might cause withdrawal symptoms. If you have vaginal bleeding or discharge, difficulty in urination, fever, constipation, blood in stools, myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness), anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, manic depression, sleep apnoea (breathing stops and repeatedly starts during sleep), kidney or liver problems, inform your doctor before taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's.
In-Depth Precautions and Warning
Drug Warnings: If you are known to be allergic to Mebimin C Tablet 10's or any other medicines, please tell your doctor. Mebimin C Tablet 10's is not recommended for children below 18 years of age, as the safety and effectiveness were not established. Avoid taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's if you are pregnant or planning for pregnancy as it may cause congenital disabilities (congenital disabilities). Mebimin C Tablet 10's may be excreted in breast milk. Therefore, avoid taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's if you are breastfeeding. Mebimin C Tablet 10's should be used with caution in the elderly as it may cause confusion in them. Do not take Mebimin C Tablet 10's for longer than the prescribed period as it may cause dependence. Please do not stop taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's on your own as it might cause withdrawal symptoms. If you cannot digest or tolerate any sugars, please tell your doctor as Mebimin C Tablet 10's contains sucrose and lactose. If you have vaginal bleeding or discharge, difficulty in urination, fever, constipation, blood in stools, myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness), anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, manic depression, sleep apnoea (breathing stops and repeatedly starts during sleep), spinal or cerebral ataxia, kidney or liver problems, inform your doctor before taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's.
Drug-drug interactions: Mebimin C Tablet 10's may interact with pain killers (codeine, morphine), blood thinner (warfarin), benzodiazepine (diazepam), anticonvulsants (phenobarbitone, phenytoin), antibiotics (rifampicin), muscle relaxant (baclofen), antiparkinson drug (levodopa), antacids (cimetidine, omeprazole), heart-related medicines (digoxin), water pills (furosemide), bronchodilator (theophylline), anti-allergic drug (chlorphenamine).
Drug-food interactions: Avoid the intake of alcohol with Mebimin C Tablet 10's as it may increase drowsiness.
Drug-disease interactions: If you have vaginal bleeding or discharge, difficulty in urination, fever, constipation, blood in stools, myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness), anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, manic depression, sleep apnoea (breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep), spinal or cerebral ataxia, kidney or liver problems, inform your doctor before taking Mebimin C Tablet 10's.
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